Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Music through the ages"

In this post we are going to embark on a trip to the music trough time and how it has evolved from time to time, until our present.

The types of musical eras that we are going to see this week are:
-20th Century


Dates: ?B.C-500 A.D (Since it´s the first type of era, it is unknown when does the human being starts to make music, therefore the question mark)
Very little is known about the composers or their music at this time due to the aspects already explained.
This is the first known-to-man type of music composed, it is composed on a tombstone and it´s called "Epitaph of Seikilos". On the tombstone is an indication that states:

"I am a tombstone, an icon. Seikilos placed me here as an everlasting sign of deathless remembrance".

You can here the tune here:

The following is a transliteration of the words which are sung to the melody, and an English translation: 

Hoson zēs, phainou Mēden holōs sy lypou;
Pros oligon esti to zēn To telos ho chronos apaitei
While you live, shine
Don't suffer anything at all;
Life exists only a short while
And time demands its toll.


500 A.D-1400
Notable composers: Léonin & Francesco Landini
Well-known instruments of the time: The Pan flute


Dates: 1400-1600
Notable Composers: Josquin Des Prez & Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestria
Well-known instrument of the time: The lyre


Dates: 1600-1760
Notable Composers: Johan Sebastian Bach & George Friedrich Händel
Instrument of the time: Harpischord


Dates: 1730-1820
Notable composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Ludwig Van Beethoven
Instrument of the time: Clarinet


Dates: 1815-1910
Notable Composers: Richard Wagner & Hector Berlioz
Instrument of the time: The piano

20th Century

Dates: 1900-2000
Notable composers: Claude Debussy & Igor Stravinsky


Dates: 1975-Present
Notable composers: John Cage & Steve Reich

Some of the classical compositions I like are:

"Requiem" by Mozart. (1791)
This one was by Mozart´s wife because Mozart died before he could finish it. It was first played in a private concert for the benefit of Mozart´s grieving wife, Constanze Mozart.

"Four Seasons" by Vivaldi (1723)
This one was made representing how Vivaldi saw the four seasons through melodies.