Saturday, September 28, 2013


Architecture is the art of designing, and constructing buildings.

It is the only form of art with utility purposes, besides the aesthetic ones.

This means that this type of art has some kind of purpose like living in it, working in it, sheltering from something or someone, etc... and aesthetic means the things that makes it look like art, the things that catches your attention and makes you look at the building and stare at a building.

One of the first type of architecture known to man, was "The stone henge". It is believed that it was meant to be a place to make religious acts, though nobody knows for sure what it was really intended to be.

"The stone henge" built aproximately 3500 years ago B.C

Another type of mystery architecture is the statues in The Easter island. They where biult by a tribe known as the Rapa Nui, but nobody knows why are there or how they manage to get those statues there, (they weight aproximately 12 tons and the average statue is 13 feets tall)
Moai set in the hillside of the Easter Island

Other types of architecture where the pyramids, which they were meant to be like a tomb for the pharaons and very important peoples, and these helped them get to to the destination of a religious place. They also put various things and animals and sometimes other people in there, so they would be accompained in their travel and would be able to do the trip safely.
The amazing thing about these pyramids is that they are made by big rectangules but they are perfectly shaped. Some people say that they where helped by the aliens, but there is no proven hypothesis about how they made them so perfect.

The pyramids of Egypt

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