Saturday, September 14, 2013


This week in the Art Appreciation class we saw the topic Scultpture and everything that has to do with this type of art.

The earliest form of sculpture was relief, which consists of something attached to the surface.
The tools you use to make a sculpture are basically: Chisels and an Armature (a structure or skeleton).

Sculpture is created in four basic ways:


It´s a substractive process, this means that the material which is being made of is being removed until you get the figure you want. This type of sculpture tecnique is mainly made with wood and stone (marble).
"Lady with pitcher" by the trademark: "Famous Stone"

I liked this sculpture mainly because of the way they made the water, they maked it look like it was actually going down with a flow and everything. Also you can clearly see the hardwork and passion that they put into the flow of the water.


This type of tecnique requires the addition of material to the mainly scultpure, It´s mainly made of clay, wax, plaster or/and paper-mache.
"The hiperrealism" by Ron Mueck

This is one of the best sculptures that I have ever seen, mainly because it´s so well detailed that it looks like it´s alive and real! You can clearly see every detail of the face of the man, and that´s why, for me, Ron Mueck is one of the best artists of sculptures of modern times.


A mold is used to form the material you are using (mainly molten bronze) into the desired shape. The "lost wax" method (process by which a metal sculpture is cast from an artist´s sculpture) or the "cire-perdure" are often used  for jewlery or small sculptures.

"Moses" by Michelangelo

I liked this sculpture because of all the details that Michelangelo puts to his sculptures and in these one you can see al the details of the muscles his facial expressions and the way he makes these sculpture so it looks like its alive.


Type of tecnique that requires putting, gluing, nailing materials together. A variation of construction is "assemblage" which consists of assembling old or new found objects in a unique way.
"Vessel made of toothpicks" by Stan Munro

I really liked this sculpture, because of the incredible details that has and that it´s made of toothpicks!
Stan Munro has lots of sculptures made of toothpicks so I would really recommend look for him and see his amazing sculptures.

Always remember that the beauty of art is that what the author expreses or sees can be totaly different from what you see.

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